Building an online presence has transformed my life.

Here’s how:

  • Enabled me to enjoy a flexible schedule as a self-employed creator.

  • Allowed me to impact millions globally through my videos, writing, and music.

  • Given me the ability to meet and work alongside incredible artists/creators that inspired me long before I ever had my own platform​​

Basically, of all the things I’ve done in the last decade, content creation has taught me more about myself, life and business than anything else.

For a long time now, I have been receiving hundreds of messages, emails and comments from people struggling to achieve their ideal lifestyle design & find success in their creative/entrepreneurial endeavours.​

I’ve been in this position, and it sucks. I spent years trying to figure it out, travelling around the world, hoping that something would work out for me, but it never did.​

I always ended up back at square one, with nothing to show for it (or so I thought).

Looking back, I can recognize how my past served me in a big way. After all, it has inspired me to be here writing this webpage.

We are all creators. Whether you choose to acknowledge and act on that is up to you.

I’ve been blessed and inspired to work with a variety of individuals and business owners over the last few years to help them with their content creation, self expression and confidence, and most importantly, consistency. This is the single most vital thing that we need as creators.

​​Most people aren’t consistent because they haven’t cultivated the mindset required to succeed in this space.


Let me explain.

We are used to instant gratification in our modern world;


If you go to work, you get paid on payday

If you order a burger, you get a burger

If you are bored, you go on the internet


That’s fine - however artistry and entrepreneurship doesn’t work like that - it’s not linear and it’s often not logical.


You must delay gratification if you wish to succeed in this space.

If that sounds miserable to you, keep reading.


Delaying gratification isn’t boring, in fact, I would argue it’s a lot more enjoyable in the long run.


Initially it takes some time to adjust to this way of being, but the dividends are too fruitful to deny!

So, here’s my offer:


If you’re struggling with…

  • getting started with your creative goals

  • staying on track/staying consistent with creating/sharing

  • knowing what actions to take next

  • having the confidence to create and post content in a way that feels good for you​

I’m offering you the opportunity to transform your content creation process in 4 weeks.

  • 4 weeks of focused mentorship ⏰

  • 4 calls 🤙

  • Direct feedback & support 🙌

  • Growth action plan 📈

  • Unlimited access to me during our period of work together 😇​

I want to help you get out of your own way and remove the blocks that are preventing you from sharing your gifts with the world.

I want to help you be consistent and beat procrastination.

I want to help you build lasting connections with your audience through authentic writing/content creation.

I want to help you generate income in a way that you enjoy.

I want to help you create a life that feels expansive rather than restrictive.

Sound good?

How does it work?

  • Once you submit your interest through this short form, we’ll have a quick call to discuss how we’ll work and when we’ll meet going forward

  • We will have a weekly 1on1 call to discuss the challenges AND opportunities you are presented with, and how to navigate them.

  • We will take a look at the content you create each week in order to appreciate it AND identify ways to refine and improve going forward.

  • We’ll develop a framework (or action plan) that works for YOU to continue your journey after our period of working together

  • I will be available to ask questions, provide support etc. in between our scheduled calls

The financial investment is €750 💰

​This is far more affordable than my usual pricing.

Why is it this price?

I probably won’t be doing 1:1 work like this at such a low price point again. Going forward I plan to transition my mentorship work to group settings, and I would like to help some more people get BIG results (hence the 1:1 aspect) to continue building case studies and gathering feedback for future offerings.

This won’t be a quick fix (remember what I said about delayed gratification above?), however, I promise that our work together over these 4 weeks will support you to create a viable foundation for you to build upon with confidence and enthusiasm in the coming months and years.

If you want mentorship from someone who has grown substantially over the last 3 years (revenue, audience, opportunities), I invite you to express your interest.

This is for you if:

You want to share your voice, but you don’t know what to say or how to say it

You’re afraid nobody will care about what you have to say or that you’ll embarrass yourself

You struggle to stay consistent with content creation

You have an idea that you want to bring to fruition but have analysis paralysis and so you don’t do anything

You’ve posted some content online but have been deterred by the lack of results

You don’t understand social media platforms and best practices

You have a vision for your ideal life, but you don’t know what actions you need to take to achieve it 

You’re sick of checking your inbox/social media accounts and finding that there are no leads or results to show for your efforts

You feel overwhelmed and exhausted by all of the advice shared online on how to build an online business

You know that you can help people but you can’t seem to connect with those who need it

You want to create a more flexible and enjoyable life for yourself, but you don’t know where to begin

If this sounds like something you would like to work on in a 1:1 setting, achieve live feedback and make tangible progress in your journey over the next 4 weeks, I’d love for you to submit your interest here.

Hello, I’m David.

I’m a multi disciplinary artist and creative mentor.

I began my journey as a musician in my teens, but nothing really came of it.

About 5 years ago I stumbled onto a journey of self discovery, which lead me down a rabbit hole rife with failure and frustration…

As with any heroes journey, there were many insights and lessons that came through for me during this time.

I began offering yoga and mindset workshops, while also creating transformational music and video content.

My insights and creative skillset have given me the unique opportunity to work alongside a variety of people across the world, from mindset work with college students to budding entrepreneurs and CEOs looking to elevate their business & personal lives with the power of personal branding and content creation.

When working with me 1:1, we develop a tailored plan geared toward your specific goals. We will have on-going calls and support in between sessions where you can receive direct feedback on any work and insights on how your life is progressing throughout our period of working together.

I look forward to seeing you flourish on the other side of our work together!